Five Points Academy is very pleased to announce we will be hosting the first-ever New York City HKC (Hardstyle Kettlebell Certification). Developed by kettlebell authority Pavel Tsatsouline and drawing on his 8-plus years of the RKC Level 1 and Level 2 program, the HKC is an 8 hour, hands-on, entry-level certification that provides a solid foundation in vital kettlebell training safety procedures, a grasp of the key HardStyle skills and principles of strength, the ability to competently perform the three foundational kettlebell exercises (the Swing, the Get-Up, and the Goblet Squat), the confidence to correctly teach the three essential kettlebell exercises and troubleshoot common technique problems , the unique HKC template for designing an unlimited number of effective kettlebell workouts, and much more. The certification has specific teaching and fitness testing requirements; please read the complete course description here. The HKC at Five Points will be taught by Senior RKC Will Williams, with assistant Phil Scarito, RKC II and additional assistance from our own arjan, Steve Milles, RKC II. Register on the Dragon Door website ; please check here for details.
UPDATE: What a great experience for everyone involved! The 16 attendees came ready to learn HardStyle: in shape, enthusiastic and attentive. Senior RKC Will Williams was the perfect lead instructor -- clear, precise, demanding, with a sense of humor. RKC II Phil Scarito and RKC II Steve Milles provided support and additional instruction, correction and cues. The entire event really could not have run more smoothly. The new HKC program is a well-designed entry level certification that provides a great base for kettlebell training. It can only mean better, more prepared attendees at the RKC and more quality kettlebell instructors.
chack out this website for kettlebell workshop