Sunday, January 3, 2010


Please note the following additions/changes to the class schedule:

Olympic Judo/Brazilian Jiu Jitsu: meets Saturday, 10-11 am with Shihan Teimoc, Tues/Thurs, 7-8:30 pm and Tues, 12 -1 pm with Shodan Kevin.

Kettlebell Training: an additional class has been added Wednesday, 4-5 pm with Bill.

B.Y.O.R. (bring your own rope): moves to Tuesdays/Thursdays, 7-7:45 pm with Sergio.

CrossFit: with certified CrossFit instructor Suzanne Silver, Fridays from 7-8 pm.

A.T.S. (athletic tone and stretch): an exciting and innovative offering of classes designed to address joint mobility, core stability and flexibility for athletic performance and injury prevention. The class meets Monday (7-7:45 pm with Coach Rima), Tuesday (8-8:45 pm with Coach Emily), Wednesday (7-7:45 pm with Janna), Thursday (8-8:45 pm with Gaius) and Saturday (1-1:45 pm with Jose).

You can find the entire Winter 2010 Class Schedule anytime by clicking the yellow "Schedule" tab at the top of the Academy site, or pick up a hard copy at the front desk.

FIVE POINTS ACADEMY is also extremely pleased to announce our new partnership with YogaWorks. All FIVE POINTS members may present their club ID card for a free one week trial and a preferred membership rate at the SOHO location at 459 Broadway (at Grand). See Janna for additional information.

Best wishes for a healthy and strong New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Anyone interested in doing Crossfit for 3-4 times a week, please drop me a line. it's always more motivating and a better crossfit workout when there's other pushing you.
